Emily Trisk


About Emily

Emily Trisk grew up in a Midland market town, longing to escape. She is an experienced teacher of children with severe learning disabilities & has also worked in patient education, focussing on long-term health conditions. More recently she has supported adults with challenging mental health & has worked in a castle.

Emily loves to draw, paint, write, read, sing and people-watch. She often finds herself down rabbit holes of discovery. Fractured Lives is Emily's first novel.

My Latest Book!

She thought she’d escaped but her world was about to shatter…

Widow Kate McConnell, mother of sixteen-year-old Lizzie, finally wakes up to the fact that her life has been made unbearable by her abusive partner. Unable to trust family or friends, she begins to attempt to make tentative plans. Meanwhile, Lizzie is badly injured. Her controller ensures that Kate discovers the news in an extremely cruel manner, leading her to question her sanity.

What Readers Have to Say

Being so well written I simply can't believe that this is the author's first novel. I thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so that at times I couldn't put the book down. A huge achievement and one I could easily see adapted for the stage or screen.

– Huw, UK

Fractured Lives is a story that gripped me from the start. It is atmospheric and at times dark, but still hopeful. [...] Domestic violence and coersive control are difficult subjects, but highly important to shine a light on and this book does so brilliantly, whilst still being a gripping read. Long after I had finished Fractured Lives I was still thinking about the characters and wondering what happened next. A truly great debut novel.

Ellie, UK

I could not believe this was a first novel by Emily because Kate is such a real character I fell in love with her and couldn't wait to see what happened! Should be recommended reading for anyone in Social Services etc who has to deal with this problem as the book really brings to light the amazing cunning and deviousness of the abuser. Stunning!

Jael, UK

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